Project Description

Hungarian goulash soup

Serves: 4+
PREP Time:10 min + Cooking:30
Difficulty: easy

For the stew (called „Pörkölt” in Hungarian):
2 onions
1 red bell pepper
1 pack (100 grams) dry soy slices
4 cloves garlic
1 tbsp dry vegetable mix
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp cayen pepper or chilli
1 tsp salt
1 tomato
1 tbsp sweet paprika powder
1 tbsp liquid smoke
1l  of plain water

For the vegetable stock:
2 carrots
2 parsley roots
3 potatoes
1 kohlrabi
Same spices and quantity as for the stew (above).
1l hot water

Step by step:

The stew:  

  1. Cut onions into small cubes.
  2. Cook dry soy slices in a salty water. When soft, cool them down and tear into uneven stripes.
  3. Cut tomato into small cubes.
  4. In a pot add a bit of oil, add onions and saute for 5 min on a low – medium heat.
  5. Next add garlic, spices and soy stripes. Mix it well and fry for 2 minutes.
  6. Add tomato and cook for 5 more min.
  7. Remove the pot from the stove and add sweet paprika powder. Mix it thoroughly and add just enough water to cover the ingredients.
  8. Bring it to boil, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 20 minutes.
  9. Turn off the heat and add 1 to 2 tbsp liquid smoke.

The vegetable stock:

  1. Cut the vegetables into medium size cubes.
  2. In a pot add a bit of oil, then vegetables and spices. Fry it on a medium high heat for 5 min.
  3. Add hot water and bring it to boil.
  4. Reduce the heat and simmer until all vegetables are soft.

Goulash Soup:

When everything is soft, add the vegetable stock into the stew and bring it to boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. It is ready.

Step by step: LINK